Prosody Guide - how to run test programs

Several test programs are provided with Prosody. You can look at their source code to see how they work, or use the application tracing facilities as they run to watch them work. They all handle options using a standard option parser. This means that you can get them to print a brief usage summary by supplying an invalid option such as -? or -help.

Before running a test program you must have downloaded any firmware it requires. See Prosody Guide - how to download firmware for how to do this.

Some of the test programs provided are:

Speech ansplay Answer an incoming call and play from a file until caller hangs up (repeating the file as necessary)
ansrec Answer an incoming call and record everything until the caller hangs up
detect Answer an incoming call and do general detection
detraw General detection on a local timeslot
echocan Test echo cancellation
hplaywav Play a .WAV file to a local timeslot using the high-level play API.
locplay Play to a local timeslot
locrec Record a local timeslot
pathtest Test various combinations of functions which use datafeeds
rtpplay Play to a RTP stream
rtprec Record a RTP stream
tonedet Test new tables for tone detection and call progress detection
tonegen Test tone generation
RTP rtpplay Play a file to a RTP stream
rtprec Record a RTP stream to a file
Data gdcrx General data communications receive
gdctx General data communications transmit
polltest Test digital data communications (not modems)
Debug cpumon Monitor Prosody DSP CPU usage
Other cndtest Exercise the sm_play_cnd_fsk() function from the ADSI library.
rtpclerk Co-ordinate use of RTP ports and addresses.
vmwitest Exercise the sm_play_vmwi_fsk() function from the ADSI library.

There are other test programs provided which you may be asked to run by the Aculab support department when analysing a problem. Although these are not documented here, if you are asked to use them you will be given full details of how to use them.

There are also diagnostic programs supplied, but you will only need to use these if you encounter problems and are asked by Aculab support to run them.

All of the test and diagnostic programs, have the -x option which specifies the address and key of the card to use as described in Test programs: Specifying Prosody Processor modules. For example:

	$ test/locplay/gen-LINUX_V6/locplay -x x: -Fa -t64:0 foo.alaw