Prosody guide: application tracing


Trace levels

The Prosody API library implements tracing so that you can see what an application is doing. Tracing is controlled by the global variable TiNGtrace in the application. There are at least five possible levels of trace, each of which causes more information to be reported while including all information reported by lower trace levels:

0(default) No tracing is enabled.
1Tracing of errors is enabled. Whenever an API function returns an error code, a line of output is printed (on standard error) showing the error and the place where the error was generated (a file name and line number withing the API library itself). Since the API library is supplied as source code, you can see why an error is being returned (this is most useful with an error like ERR_SM_BAD_PARAMETER since you can see which parameter caused it to return the error).
2Tracing of most API calls is enabled. In addition to the trace produced by level 1, this reports every API function called (except those which read or write data) with the parameters passed and the result returned. This can be used to verify that channels have been set up correctly.
3Tracing of all API calls is enabled. This is the same as level 2, except that all API functions are reported.
4Tracing of all API calls is enabled and call-progess detection reports the list of simple tones it has receives and that it is comparing against the cadences in the call progress tone table.

There may be more levels of trace available, depending on the variant of Prosody being used.

There are four ways to turn on tracing:

For example, the command:

	detraw -x x: --TiNGtrace 2 -o1 -t64:0 -m0

produces trace like this:

init TiNGlib.o Aculab Telephony Software V2.28.3.m1375. (_REENTRANT defined) (OMIT_ANYCHAN undefined) (TiNG_TRACE=1)
time calibration = 3192270000
ticks_per_us = 3192
@22430839291184:system time UTC 2010/11/01 15:46:12.643

Every trace starts with the version of the API library. This ensures that if you are looking at the source code to find errors reported by file and line number that you know which version of source to look at.

Timestamp information is also output in order to allow times reported in this trace to be compared with times in other traces and captures.

@24401008127968:sm_open_prosody_x(px_locator='', card_id=-1397969748)
Init card:
ASSPmon port 2031
[open X 00035408][ioctl X 00035408 TiNG(38) 104]card '201378' 'Prosody X cPCI AC5300 1.2'
[ioctl X 00035408 TiNG(10) 28][close X 00035408]
 == 0

This traces the opening of the Prosody X card, and logs type and serial number of card being opened.

@22431275497584:sm_open_module(card_id=-1397969748, module_ix=0)ASSPmon port 2031
[open X 00035E98][ioctl X 00035E98 TiNG(11) 28] == 0 module_id=00035408
@22431436317016:sm_channel_alloc_placed(type=0, module=00035408, caps_mask=0)[cl
one X 00035E98 -> 00036E38][ioctl X 00036E38 TiNG(11) 28] == 0 channel=00036AA8

Here are the first API calls made. Their names are shown, and in brackets the parameters which were passed in. Then the return code (the "== 0") and finally any values returned.

@25641718849360:sm_get_recognised(channel=00036AA8)[ioctl X 000387B8 TiNG(6) 84]
[msg 81110402][ioctl X 000387B8 TiNG(6) 84][msg] == 0 channel=00036AB0, type=0,
param0=0, param1=0

The "[msg ...]" shows messages arriving from the firmware.

It is strongly recommended that when you write your own application you provide a suitable mechanism to set the trace level.

Since the trace information is simply written to standard output, if a program prints other status information, it will appear in sequence with the trace output.

Redirecting trace output

Some applications run in an environment in which they have no standard output. To allow trace to be gathered from these, there is a mechanism whereby the trace can be redirected elsewhere. The global variable TiNG_showtrace:

ACUAPI int (*TiNG_showtrace)(const char *fmt, va_list ap);

is a pointer to the function which is called to write out trace. By default it points to vprintf.

By writing an alternative function and storing its address in TiNG_showtrace you can redirect the trace. Since this output function is called any time trace is produced, it will be called from any thread which uses Prosody functions, and possibly from threads which are internal to the Prosody API library. Consequently, any replacement function must be written to be appropriately thread-safe.

The implementation of alternative output function might be compiled with newer compiler than that with which TiNG library was built, and may have an incompatible layout for the va_list type. The output function can use the TiNG_vsnprintf wrapper for vsnprintf:

ACUAPI int TiNG_vsnprintf (char * s, size_t n, const char * format, va_list arg );
provided in the TiNG library to avoid this problem.

Note that the ability to obtain complete, unedited trace is often essential when obtaining support from Aculab, so it is important that any replacement function does not prevent trace being recorded and does not modify the lines being written (e.g. by truncating lines to some fixed maximum length).

Separate trace output for each thread

Sometimes it can be hard to see what is being described by trace output because more than one thread is writing trace at the same time, so the trace consists of interleaved fragments of trace. By replacing the trace output function, you can put the trace for each thread into a separate file, ensuring that each is much easier to underastand.

An experimental, unsupported example of a different trace output function to do this can be found in $(TiNG)/test/Testlib/perthread_trace.*. Separate files make it easier to see the actions of each thread, but harder to see the interactions between threads, which are more often the cause of problems.

Remote tracing

Occasionally it may be useful to be able to attach to a running application and get trace from it. The trace output can be redirected to a TCP socket by replacing the trace output function, but a separate thread is required to listen for connections on that socket.

An (experimental, unsupported) example of a different trace output function to do this can be found in $(TiNG)/test/Testlib/remote_trace.*. To add this remote trace facility to an application, create a dedicated thread which calls remote_trace() specifying the port on which it is to listen (as a string - either a service name or a port number). To get remote trace from the application, connect to the port (for example, using telnet or netcat), and enter the desired trace level as a decimal number. The trace output will appear. You can enter a different trace level at any time. If you close the connection, trace output reverts to its previous destination, but the trace level remains at the last level you set - so you may want to set it to zero before closing the connection. If the application exits, the connection will get end-of-file after the last trace.

Trace on demand

When debugging some problems, it can be convenient to record only the trace generated just before the problem occurred. This may be because the problem takes a long time to reproduce and the trace is too big if collected continuously. An example of how to produce trace on demand is provided in $(TiNG)/test/Testlib/tracehistory.* which provides these functions:

int TiNGtrace_sethistory(size_t len);
Configures the TiNGtrace mechanism to retain only the last len characters of trace. This trace data is kept in a buffer in memory, which saves the overhead associated with writing to a disk file. Configuring a length of zero disables the trace history mechanism and restores the trace system to normal output.
int TiNGtrace_savehistory(FILE *histfile);
Writes to the specified file the trace currently retained in the history buffer. The maximum amount written is the size of the history buffer that was configured with TiNGtrace_sethistory(). It then clears the history buffer.

The application must set up the desired size of history buffer as well as enabling the appropriate level of trace in the normal way. When the application finds the problem has occurred, it can create a file, write the trace to it, and write any other information which may be useful, such as the time when the problem occurred, its own internal state, or trace from other parts of the application. Obviously, the application can use a separate file for each trace snapshot it takes, or leave te file open and write multiple snapshots into the same file (it must write a suitable marker to separate them in this case).

Here is an example of how the trace history might be saved:

void savetrace(char *why)
 time_t now = time(0);
 char filename[64];
 FILE *tf;
 sprintf(filename, "trace_%d", now);	// assumes only one trace file per second
 tf = fopen(filename, "w");
 if (tf) {
	fprintf(tf, "Trace saved at %s\n", ctime(now));
	fprintf(tf, "Reason: %s\n", why);
	fprintf(tf, "\n");
	fprintf(tf, "\n");
		// save any other trace or relevant information