Prosody installation guide: test programs: hplaywav

This is a very simple play application which plays a file in WAV format to a local timeslot. It normally keeps repeating the file until told to stop.

Go to directory $(TiNG)/test.

You must have downloaded firmware modules as listed below.

Run hplaywav with the appropriate options (the program is gen-LINUX_V6/hplaywav or gen-WINNT_V6/hplaywav depending on which operating system you are using).

Command line options are:

-a 1 use AGC
-m <module> The Prosody module to use. This is the number of the module on the card.
-s <speed> play faster or slower (as a percentage)
-t <timeslot> timeslot to use (see Test program timeslots).
-v <volume> adjust volume of the playback by this (in dB)
-x <cardspec> Use a Prosody processor module on this card, specified as described in Test programs: Specifying Prosody Processor modules
<file> name of file from which data is to be played.

For example,

	gen-WINNT_V6/hplaywav -x x: -t 64:0 foo.wav

would play data from foo.wav to timeslot 64:0.

The firmware modules that are required depend on the format of the data in the WAV file, the options you specify, and the commands you use while it is running. Here are the details:

ModuleWhen needed
datafeed always on Prosody X
gainbg If you use '-a 1' for AGC or '-v' to adjust the volume
fast If you use '-s' to play the file faster than normal
slow If you use '-s' to play the file slower than normal
outchan always
sixkout when the file format is ACUBLKPCM@6000, ALawPCM@6000, OKIADPCM@6000, or ULawPCM@6000
playA when the file format is ALawPCM@6000 or ALawPCM@8000
playima when the file format is IMAADPCM
playmu when the file format is ULawPCM@6000 or ULawPCM@8000
playoki when the file format is OKIADPCM@6000 or OKIADPCM@8000

When this program starts, it starts playing the file and also reads commands. The commands available are:

(i.e. blank line - no command) Print status
?Print summary of possible commands
a NChange AGC to N
qQuit - exit without waiting for channel to finish.
s NSet speed to N
v NSet volume to N
EOFWait for channel to finish and quit

The source code for this program is provided (hplaywav.c).

This is one of the Prosody test programs .