Prosody installation guide: test programs: detraw

This is a simple detection application. It performs various kinds of detection on a local timeslot. It can only use the default tone tables. To test detection with new tone tables use tonedet.

Go to directory $(TiNG)/test.

You must have these firmware modules loaded:

Run detraw with the appropriate options (the program is gen-LINUX_V6/detraw or gen-WINNT_V6/detraw depending on which operating system you are using).

Command line options are:

-a 1 map tones to digits. This is only useful for detecting DTMF tones, in which case it shows the DTMF digit as digits rather than as codes
-C <alg> enable signal categorisation with specified algorithm
-c 1 enable detection of call progress tones
-T <type> the type of tone detection to use. One of these values:
etone end detection
ltone length detection
stone start detection
-g <duration> enable grunt detection with specified duration
-m <module> The Prosody module to use. This is the number of the module on the card.
-o <tonemode> enable tone detection with specified mode for minimum tone duration (one of "1", "40", "64")
-R <timeslot> the output timeslot to use as sidetone reference for isolated word recognition (see Test program timeslots). Note that this is an output timeslot - not an input. It should be a timeslot which is currently being used to generate the output which is to be regarded as sidetone by the recogniser.
-s <toneset> select tone set to use for tone detection
-t <timeslot> timeslot to use (see Test program timeslots).
-x <card> Use Prosody processor modules on this card, specified as described in Test programs: Specifying Prosody Processor modules

For example,

	gen-WINNT_V6/detraw -x x: -t 64:0 -o 1 -a 1

would listen for DTMF digits using Prosody processor modules on the card with address and key mykey.

When the program detects anything, it prints a description of what was detected. For example:

	Digit: 42 (*) 0

means that it detected the DTMF digit *.

The source code for this program is provided (detraw.c).

This is one of the Prosody test programs .