Prosody program: modload

This downloads one or more firmware modules to a Prosody X card. Note that the firmware kernel must have been downloaded already. Firmware modules for Prosody X cards have the filename suffix .sob.

Go to directory $(TiNG)/test.

Run modload with the appropriate options (the program is ../modload/gen-LINUX_V6/modload or ../modload/gen-WINNT_V6/modload depending on which operating system you are using).

Command line options are:

-i ip-address Specifies the IP address for Prosody X card on which is the module where the firmware is to be loaded
-k security-key Specifies the security key for Prosody X card on which is the module where the firmware is to be loaded
-m module Specifies the module to which the firmware is to be downloaded (default 0). Multiple modules may be specified by repeating this option specifying additional modules.
-p placement Allows explicit placement of firmware code into slower memory. Possible directives are "m2" or "sdram". For large load sets of firmware that do not all fit in fast (m1) memory this directive allows user control over which algorithms reside in fast memory and which in slower (m2 or sdram) memory.
-f placement For use in conjunction with -p placement option. Allows explicit placement of small critical code/data sections into faster memory when main bulk of code has been placed in slower memory. Possible directives are "m1" or "m2". Best performance obtained when critical code placed in "m1" allowing higher channel counts for large codecs placed on loading into "sdram".
-M mapfile Specifies a file into which a symbol map is produced. This map file is only needed for debugging the firmware. (default: no map file)
-v verbose-level Specifies a number which controls the amount of commentary printed during the download. Larger numbers generate more output. Currently the maximum commentary is produced when the value is 2 or more.
-d <dir-path> Specifies a directory path where firmware modules are located.
<download-file> name of file which contains the firmware to download. As an alternative to specifying a list of download-files, it is possible to specify a single ".lyt" suffixed layout file.

For example,

	../util/gen-LINUX_V6/modload -i -k mykey -v1 -d ../starcore/gen datafeed.sob inchan.sob outchan.sob

downloads the datafeed, inchan and outchan modules.

For convenience a shell script or batch file is provided called lmx which supplies some of the parameters for download of a single firmware module. For this example, you could use it like this instead of using modload directly:

	lmx datafeed -i -k mykey -v1
	lmx inchan -i -k mykey -v1
	lmx outchan -i -k mykey -v1

Note that the name of the firmware module to be downloaded comes first.

This is one of the Prosody test programs .