Prosody program: modload - layout files

When invoking modload in place of specifying a list of download files it is possible to specify a single layout file instead. This must be a text file with the file extension ".lyt" which provides information relating to the loading and placement of ProsodyX firmware modules in DSP memory.

ProsodyX DSPs currently have 3 memory regions where firmware modules can be placed on loading:

m1 The fastest memory region but limited in size.
m2 A slightly slower and larger memory area.
sdram The largest memory area but considerably slower than "m1" and "m2".

The layout file controls the placing by modload of lists of firmware modules into the above memory regions. It may consist of blank lines, comment lines begining with a '#' and placement list lines consisting of a list of files to be downloaded prefixed with one of the following placement directives:

default: use default placement, place in fastest "m1" memory if enough space, otherwise in slower "m2"
m2: place firmware modules in "m2" memory
m2-fast-m1: place critical sections of firmware modules in fastest "m1" memory and remainder in slower "m2"
sdram: place firmware modules in "sdram" memory
sdram-fast-m1: place critical sections of firmware modules in fastest "m1" memory and remainder in slower "sdram"
sdram-fast-m2: place critical sections of firmware modules in faster "m2" memory and remainder in slower "sdram"

For example,

	# example layout file
	# following algorithms in fastest memory
	default: datafeed.sob inchan.sob outchan.sob echocan.sob passthru.sob v17rx.sob
	# put modem receivers in slower memory
	m2: v29rx.sob v27rx.sob v17rx.sob
	# put modem receivers in large slowest memory
	sdram: v29tx.sob v27tx.sob v17tx.sob
	# put big iLBC codec in large slowest memory but place its critical sections in fastest memory
	sdram-fast-m1: ilbc.sob