This document provides guidance on the placement of ProsodyX TiNG algorithm firmware modules into DSP memory. Algorithms (encapsulated in .sob files) are downloaded using the modload utility. For simple applications using only a small set of firmware modules, the default modload placement behaviour is usually appropriate. However, with more complex scenarios that require an extensive set of firmware modules to be loaded, a more elaborate placement scheme taking into account application specific factors can permit a higher channel count to be obtained before resource problems such as ERR_SM_NO_RESOURCES API errors, or TiNG DSP CPU overload occur. Note also that a firmware placement scheme that gave satisfactory results for an application with a given release of ProsodyX TiNG firmware may occasionally need to be modified when TiNG firmware is updated as the code size of kernel and algorithms can vary from release to release.
Note only firmware modules that are actually required by an application should be loaded onto DSP, loading other firmware modules will use up DSP memory and may needlessly limit the channel count for an application.
There are three areas of memory in a ProsodyX TiNG DSP module into which firmware can be loaded.
M1 memory is the default location for most firmware. This is the highest speed memory, but is limited in size. The high speed leads to reduced DSP CPU usage when running instances of an algorithm located in this type of memory.
M2 memory is the next fastest memory, offering only a small penalty compared to execution of code from M1. It is also limited in size. Additionally, M2 memory is also used for TiNG task working memory and TDM buffers, so care must be taken to leave enough free space in this memory area.
SDRAM memory is the slowest area of memory, but also the largest. Tasks based on algorithms loaded here will put a much more heavy load on DSP CPU especially if computationally complex.
Some idea of the relative speed of the different memory types can be seen by looking at $ACULAB_ROOT/TiNG/starcore/gen/pxcalctbl.html (this page only available when ProsodyX TiNG firmware package installed on a system).
All available M1 memory should be exploited. If there is not sufficient space in M1 for all required TiNG algorithms, preference should be given to the most computationally intensive algorithms, or those which may potentially have the maximum number of associated tasks. Profiling the DSP CPU usage using CPUMON or pxdiagutil will help determine which algorithms should be selected for M1 placement.
One possible strategy might be to prioritise loading the most frequently used firmware to M1. E.g. if in normal operation, your application will be handling 99.9% of calls using one codec, and only 0.1% of calls in a second codec, then the first codec should be the priority for loading into M1 memory. The second codec may well be a candidate to load into M2 or even SDRAM, if you are short of M1 space.
The effects of being loaded into M2 or SDRAM can be mitigated for some codecs by loading some critical code/data segments for these codecs into faster memory. For a few codecs, leaving the bulk of code in SDRAM but placing critical code in M1 (sdram-fast-m1 operation) is almost as fast as having all code in M1.
For more information on how DSP CPU usage varies with loading and placement see the section below More Guidance on algorithm placement and DSP CPU usage.
Note some algorithms require so much code space that they are always placed (automatically) in SDRAM (with speed critical elements placed in M1). The v34hd algorithm is a current example.
Once the ProsodyX TiNG kernel has been loaded using kloadx, pxdiagutil may thereafter be used to determine remaining amount of M1 and M2 memory.
pxdiagutil -m 0 -i -k sitekey m1left
Remaining M1 Code space: module 0 on card 0x0000ed50
pxdiagutil -m 0 -i -k sitekey heap
Heap: module 0 on card M2 Remaining: 0x00061f40 SDRAM Remaining: 0x00dfc000
The modload utility reports, for each algorithm loaded, the amount of space in each area that has been consumed.
Algorithm td.sob downloaded successfully to module 0 (M1=13280,M2=256,SD=0)
The pxdiagutil heap command mentioned in previous section can be used to profile remaining M2 space during lifetime of an application, and this can give an idea of the amount that should be left available following algorithm download. If not enough space is left available, an application is likely to encounter TiNG API errors, such as ERR_SM_NO_RESOURCES.
As an alternative to using the pxdiagutil heap command, HEAPMON firmware can be loaded to the DSP and the data that this outputs to a data channel captured thus allowing the remaining space on M2 heap to be monitored continuously. Note running this firmware will impose some additional CPU overhead on the DSP.
It should be noted that each group of 3 DSP TDM timeslots used consumes 1K of M2 memory so allowance should be made for the maximum number of these timeslots that may be used. TDM usage may be observed using the following pxdiagutil command.
pxdiagutil -m 0 -i -k sitekey tdmmem
TDM: module 0 on card TDM usage: RxTS 3 0x00000400 : TxTS 3 0x00000400 : Total 0x00000800
Further guidance on working space for particular application scenarios may be obtained from Aculab technical support.
By default, modload will attempt to load firmware into M1 memory (apart from some tables placed in M2) and spill remaining firmwares into M2. Note firmwares spilled into M2 will not be efficiently packed into that space. This can be overridden by using the -p option to control placement. The -f option can then be used to control fast segment placement.
Options | Placement |
none | Default (M1) placement, excess to M2 (not efficiently packed) |
-p m2 -f m1 | Load mainly to M2 (efficiently packed), but fast segments to M1 |
-p m2 | Load all to M2 (efficiently packed) |
-p sdram -f m1 | Load mainly to SDRAM, but fast segments to M1 |
-p sdram -f m2 | Load mainly to SDRAM, but fast segments to M2 |
-p sdram | Load all to SDRAM |
If you have multiple firmwares to load to different areas of memory, a layout file can be used to specify how to place each firmware. Layout files are passed to modload using the -l option. Each line of the file consists of a placement tag followed by a list of firmwares.
Valid placement tags are:
Tag | Meaning |
default: | load all to M1 |
m2-fast-m1: | load mainly to M2, with fast segments to M1 |
m2: | load all to M2 |
sdram-fast-m1: | load mainly to SDRAM, with fast segments to M1 |
sdram-fast-m2: | load mainly to SDRAM, with fast segments to M2 |
sdram: | load all to SDRAM |
Layout files may be specified in ".cfg" files used by the config tool to set up cards on card start-up. The "[Speech]" section will need to be edited with a text editor (note the ACT tool does not support creation of layout files). For example to use a layout file "app.lyt" for all 4 DSPs on a card, edit its ".cfg" file to have a speech section as follows:
Later versions of config tool will accept LYTFile=app.lyt as an alternative to Firmware=app.lyt
The config tool will expect to find the ".lyt" file in the same directory (normally $ACULAB_ROOT/cfg) as the ".cfg" file within which it is specified.
Note that, as with v2 firmware, these figures can vary with each v3 firmware release.
After the kernel has loaded, with v3 firmware there is about 10k more M1 space available, and about 22k less M2 space available.
Most individually loadable algorithms (.sob files) have substantially the same code size as for v2, a few have modestly shrunk in size whereas some others have grown significantly or changed in their use of M1 and M2. The algorithms falling into the last category are listed here.
The vmprx.sob code size has grown by about 40% as it now caters for wideband signals, it also now includes the functionality previously included in vmpplc.sob, so if both were required then the code size growth is only 25% (8k additional memory required). By contrast, the vmptx.sob firmware has shrunk by about 30% (6k less memory required).
The conf.sob code size has grown (4k additional memory required).
The code in iLBC.sob has grown (10k more memory required).
The code size for inchan.sob and outchan.sob has doubled (these were small anyway so only 1k memory extra required for each).
The code size for rtcp.sob has increased by 4k, and that for securertp.sob by 6k.
The code in g729ab.sob has been re-arranged so more of it loads into M2 memory (M1 use 10k less, M2 use 10k more).
The code in v17rx has been re-arranged so more of it loads into M2 memory (M1 use 26k less, M2 use 26k more).
As previously mentioned, DSP CPU usage will vary with placement used for a given algorithm, in general the more computationally intensive algorithms will show greater variation.
Performance information with respect to placement for RTP codecs can be found in the file $ACULAB_ROOT/TiNG/starcore/gen/pxcalctbl.html.
Here, the placement dependency of other algorithms where DSP CPU usage varies significantly with placement is illustrated with some examples. Actual DSP CPU loading may change between TiNG firmware releases.
To illustrate how placement affects non-codec specific RTP and associated firmwares, starting with a 60 channel vmp/tdm gateway configuration with all firmwares placed in M1 we have a base DSP load of 28% usage, then moving:
With same configuration as above but now with secure RTP enabled we have a base DSP load of 68% usage, then moving:
To illustrate how placement affects fax modems, we have setup for transmission of 30 concurrent V.29 faxes, the base load for fax receivers being 39% and for transmitters being 10%, then moving:
Similarly with setup for transmission of 16 concurrent V.17 faxes, the base load for fax receivers being 42% and for transmitters being 7%, then moving:
The DSP CPU usage does not noticeably vary with placement of T.38 firmware modules ifptx ifprx fmprx fmptx
To illustrate how placement affects echo cancellation, we have setup for 100 RTP/TDM gateways with echo cancellation span of 72ms, the base load for these gateways being 50%, then moving:
The figures shown in this section are for illustration only and may vary between releases.
Suppose an application needs to implement a VoIP/TDM gateway including echo cancellation, fax, G.711, G.729ab and secure RTP, the following firmware modules would be required:
If these firmware modules were loaded using default placement then the remaining M2 memory (0x1a710 reported by pxdiagutil heap command) would only be sufficient to support a modest number of channels. If all the firmware modules were instead loaded into SDRAM, the M2 space would not be a limiting factor but the increased DSP CPU consumption certainly would be. The best solution is to devise an initial layout placing speed critical modules in M1/M2 and non speed critical elements in SDRAM, and then perfect the layout by profiling DSP CPU and memory usage and adjusting it where required.
Some idea of the required M2 working space for the application is needed as a guide to how much M2 space can be used to store algorithm code and how much is required for TDM and task workspace. Assume that we have determined with pxdiagutil that we must leave 0x2A000 of M2 space free in order to leave enough task and TDM space for 60 gateway sets. Then we need to save 0xf8f0 of space from M2 memory by moving code from M2 to SDRAM and by packing code into M2 by placing it there explicitly.
Using knowledge that modem transmitters are much less CPU intensive than receivers, and that T.38 operation and FSK operation are very CPU light, a layout file similar to one below can be devised.
# following algorithms in fastest memory
default: g729ab td vmprx vtdet datafeed echocan inchan
# slower M2 memory
m2: rtcp tonegen cpumon securertp v29rx syncrx six2five vmptx passthru gainbg
# put modem transmitters and other non critical components in large slowest memory
sdram: ifprx ifptx fmprx fmptx v29tx v27tx v27rx synctx hdlctx hdlcrx prefsuf fsktx fskrx fskpll outchan
With this layout pxdiagutil m1left command reports 0x700 remaining in M1 and heap command reports 0x3f2f0 remaining in M2, so we have used the M1 space almost to capacity and have more than enough M2 for application TDM and task workspace. Now by profiling application with CPUMON we can check that SDRAM placement hasn't increased DSP CPU usage excessively, and if it has we can try moving some SDRAM placed modules back to M2 (as we have some extra space), or try swapping some of those in M2 with those in SDRAM. We could also see if there are a few small firmware modules that could be moved to the remaining M1 space.