The following functions are provided by the Prosody speech processing API:
API call | W | Description |
sm_add_input_cptone() | Define a call-progress tone that can be listened for on an input channel | |
sm_add_input_freq_coeffs() | Define frequency coefficients used to recognise tones on input channel | |
sm_add_input_tone_set() | Define a set of simple tones that can be listened for on an input channel | |
sm_add_output_freq() | Expand repertoire of frequencies which may be used as components in user defined tones generated on output channels | |
sm_add_output_tone() | Define a simple tone that may be generated on an output channel | |
sm_adjust_catsig_module_params() | Adjust signal categorisation algorithm parameter | |
sm_adjust_input_tone_set() | Alter tone detection accept/reject characteristics | |
sm_ans_listen_for() | Detect ANS and ANSam V.8 tones | |
sm_beep_listen_for() | Detect a beep | |
sm_catsig_listen_for() | Invoke signal categorisation algorithm | |
sm_channel_set_input_threshold() | Modify criterion which causes a channel to be ready for reading | |
sm_channel_set_output_threshold() | Modify criterion which causes a channel to be ready for writing | |
sm_condition_adjust() | Adjust input conditioning | |
sm_condition_adjust_span() | Adjust span of input conditioning | |
sm_condition_input() | Condition input signal with, for example, an echo cancellation algorithm | |
sm_condition_reinit() | Re-initialise conditioning of input signal | |
sm_conf_prim_abort() | Abort a conference. | |
sm_conf_prim_add() | Add channel input to set whose sum forms conference output. | |
sm_conf_prim_adj_input() | Adjust input parameters for channel that is a conference participant. | |
sm_conf_prim_adj_input_settings() | Adjust input settings for channel that is a conference participant. | |
sm_conf_prim_adj_output() | Adjust conference output level. | |
sm_conf_prim_adj_tracking() | Adjust parameters controlling active speaker detection | |
sm_conf_prim_attach() | Prepare channel ready to be used as conference input. | |
sm_conf_prim_clone() | Prepare channel ready to be used as conference output with identical inputs to another conference output channel. | |
sm_conf_prim_config_activity_reporting() | Configure the active input reporting of a conference | |
sm_conf_prim_detach() | Undo preparation for conferencing of channel input. | |
sm_conf_prim_info() | Retrieve conference information (eg. active speakers) | |
sm_conf_prim_leave() | Remove input channel from set whose sum forms conference output. | |
sm_conf_prim_start() | Prepare channel ready to be used as conference output. | |
sm_conf_prim_status() | Determine conference status | |
sm_conf_prim_stop() | Stop a conference. | |
sm_discard_recognised() | This call discards all buffered but as yet uncollected recognised items | |
sm_get_recognised() | Poll for recognised digit, tone, or call-progress tone | |
sm_get_recorded_data() | Collect another buffer of recorded data from a channel | |
sm_listen_for() | Set repertoire of digits, simple tones, and call-progress tones to listen for on channel | |
sm_onhook_listen_for() | Detect a analogue line going on-hook | |
sm_play_cptone() | Generate call-progress tone on a channel | |
sm_play_cptone_abort() | Abort generation of call-progress tone | |
sm_play_cptone_status() | Determine status of previously initiated call-progress tone generation | |
sm_play_digits() | Dial DTMF digits on a channel | |
sm_play_digits_status() | Determine status of previously initiated DTMF dialling | |
sm_play_tone() | Generate simple tone on a channel | |
sm_play_tone_abort() | Abort generation of tone | |
sm_play_tone_list() | Plays multiple tones on a channel | |
sm_play_tone_list_abort() | Abort generation of tone list | |
sm_play_tone_list_phase_reverse() | Set the phase reversal period of generate tones | |
sm_play_tone_list_status() | Determine status of previously initiated tone list generation | |
sm_play_tone_status() | Determine status of previously initiated tone generation | |
sm_put_audio_data() | Put small buffer of audio data to channel set up for low latency replay | |
sm_put_last_replay_data() | Provide last buffer to indefinite replay | |
sm_put_replay_data() | Provide another buffer of data to replay | |
sm_record_abort() | Prematurely terminate recording of data from channel | |
sm_record_agc_adjust() | Adjust AGC during recording. | |
sm_record_agc_adjust_settings() | Adjust AGC settings during recording. | |
sm_record_start() | Initiate recording on channel | |
sm_record_status() | Determine recording status of channel | |
sm_replay_abort() | Prematurely terminate replay | |
sm_replay_adjust() | Adjust volume/speed parameters for replay | |
sm_replay_start() | Initiate process of replaying data to channel | |
sm_replay_status() | Determine replay status | |
sm_reset_input_cptones() | Un-define all call-progress tones currently recognisable by the module | |
sm_add_input_vocab() | D | Add new word to vocabulary |
sm_asr_listen_for() | D | Set vocabulary of words to listen for on a channel |
sm_reset_input_vocabs() | D | Discard module's current vocabulary |
sm_set_sidetone_channel() | D | Nominate for an input channel, the output channel a fraction of whose output signal will be assumed to form part of the input channel signal |
Key to W column:
D | Deprecated |
This document is also available as a single file.