Prosody speech processing: API: sm_record_abort

Prototype Definition

int sm_record_abort(struct sm_record_abort_parms *abortp)


a structure of the following type:
typedef struct sm_record_abort_parms {
	tSMChannelId channel;					/* in */
	tSM_INT discard;					/* in */


This call allows an application to terminate a record job on a given input channel prematurely with the option to discard or retain data uncollected by the application.

If discard is set to 1, any uncollected data is discarded, if this parameter is set to zero, the uncollected data is retained for collection by calls to sm_get_recorded_data().

Invoking this call will cause a final record event to be notified to the application.


The channel which is recording.
An indicator of whether data not yet collected from the channel should be discarded (non-zero) or delivered as normal (0).


0 if call completed successfully, otherwise a standard error such as:

This function is part of the Prosody speech processing API.