Prosody installation guide: diagnostic programs: outcall

This is a very simple application which only makes outgoing calls. It is normally used with Prosody test programs for test or diagnostic purposes because it provides a handy way to keep a call open while several independent Prosody test programs send or receive data, but it does not use any Prosody functionality itself.

Go to directory $(TiNG)/diag.

This is a standalone program that requires no Prosody facilities, so you can run it on a system which does not have Prosody installed (but it must have the Aculab call driver installed and running).

Run outcall with the appropriate options (the program is gen-LINUX_V6/outcall or gen-WINNT_V6/outcall depending on which operating system you are using).

Command line options are:

-c report charing information, if available. (uses CNF_CALL_CHARGE).
-o <origin> the number to provide as the calling number
-p <port> the port on which to make the call.
-P timeslot specified is preferred value and can be changed during negotiation. Otherwise the timeslot cannot be changed. (uses CNF_TSPREFER)
-s sending complete indicator. Indicates that the supplied destination number may contain a '!' character which indicates that the call setup should mark the number as complete. (uses CNF_COMPLETE)
-t <timeslotlist> the timeslot on which to make the call.
-w wait for local disconnect. This allows more status to be reported if the remote party clears the call (uses CNF_REM_DISC).
-x cardspec The card to use.
<dest> the number to call.

For example,

	gen-WINNT_V6/outcall -p 2 -t 1 123456

calls '123456' using timeslot 1 on port 2.

The program reports status changes just like incall except, of course, it will have OUT in status reports indicating an outgoing call instead of IN. Here is an example of an outgoing call:

	2.1: @33.1 OUT sc=0 '' -> '' as '123456'
	1.1: EV_IDLE

It can be stopped with the 'q' command, which clears the call (as shown abive in the example) and then makes the program exit.

See the documentation for the Aculab call control API (particularly the call_openout() function) for an explanation of the different CNF options.

The source code for this program is provided (outcall.c).

This is one of the Prosody diagnostic programs .