Prosody application note: using IPv6


This application note describes how to set up an Prosody application to use IPv6 RTP streams and/or control ProsodyS/X over an IPv6 link. It assumes the reader already is familiar with Prosody applications using IPv4 RTP streams.

ProsodyS/X can work with both IPv4 and IPv6 RTP streams, but at any time an individual RTP endpoint is either in IPv4 or IPv6 mode.

One important distinction to note between ProsodyX IPv4 and IPv6 endpoints, is that whilst with IPv4 the base card and all the DSPs share a single IPv4 address which is also the media enpoint address for RTP, with IPv6 each DSP has its own media endpoint IPv6 address (which may be discovered through the resource manager API).

The ASSP connection between application and ProsodyS/X (set up by this call) may be configured to use either IPv4 or IPv6. When using IPv6, for ProsodyX, the address specified in the locator remains the address of the base card (as the DSP module is not yet selected at this point in the API dialogue).

Endpoint Creation

When creating a VMPRx, it is necessary to specify whether it is to accept IPv6 RTP or IPv4 RTP using the type field.

If an explicit listen address is specified, it may be either a global scope IPv6 address or a link local IPv6 address.

The local media address indicated in SIP SDP should be the explicit IPv6 address for the VMPRx or one of the implicit IPv6 addresses for the VMPRx if explicit address not used (normally a global scope IPv6 address).

When a vmprx status event is processed, an application should expect to get:

instead of:
and should access ports_ipv6 and ssrc_ipv6 elements of SM_VMPRX_STATUS_PARMS union.

A VMPTx does not have inherent IPv6 or IPv4 type until it is configured with destination address, so is created as normal using sm_vmptx_create.

VMPTx Configuration

When the VMPTx is configured, this should be done with new call sm_vmptx_config_ipv6.

The equivalent field to TOS_RTP for IPv6 is bits 20..27 of destination_rtp.sin6_flowinfo which will get placed in the RTP IP packets Traffic Class 8 bit field. This functionality is not currently available under Windows.

An example of setting up an IPv6 destination address is given here:

	struct addrinfo hints;
	struct addrinfo *result;
	struct addrinfo *srcresult;
	int s;

	memset(&configp, 0, sizeof(configp));

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;	/* Allow IPv4 or IPv6 */
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
	hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
	hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;

	s = getaddrinfo(vmppar.dest_ip, NULL, &hints, &result);
 	/* handle errors... */
	configp.destination_rtp.sin6_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in6*)result->ai_addr)->sin6_addr;
	/* set up other elements in configp ...*/
	e = sm_vmptx_config_ipv6(&configp);
 	/* handle errors and do any freeaddrinfo calls... */

Note if a source address is specified when configuring VMPTx, both source and destination addresses must be of same scope so either both global or both link local.

Similar considerations apply to other endpoint types such as FMPTx and FMPRx.

TiNG Test tools

TiNG test tools can be used to generate or receive an IPv6 RTP stream with similar parameters to those used for ipv4, rtprec needs a "-6" flag.

	# ASSP over IPv4 to local PS, play and record IPv6
	./rtprec -x x: -6 -F a -m 8 -c a mysig.alaw
	./rtpplay -x x: -d fdcd:fb9b:497a:0:21b:21ff:fe26:a6c6 -p 50000 -F a -m 8 -c a test.alaw
	# ASSP over IPv6 to remote PS, play IPv6
	./rtpplay -x x:[fdcd:fb9b:497a:0:202:1fff:fe00:a43b]/otherkey -d fdcd:fb9b:497a:0:21b:21ff:fe26:a6c6 -p 50000 -F a -m 8 -c a test.alaw