Prosody installation guide: test programs: locrec

This is a very simple recording application. It records a timeslot into a file. It can be stopped by a command, but otherwise records forever. The recorded file has no headers or other formatting of any kind - just the data. The test program ansplay can use these files directly.

Go to directory $(TiNG)/test.

You must have downloaded firmware modules as listed below.

Run locrec with the appropriate options (the program is gen-LINUX_V6/locrec or gen-WINNT_V6/locrec depending on which operating system you are using).

Command line options are:

-a 1 use AGC
-e <N> use silence elimination, eliminating silences longer than N milliseconds. (default, 0, means do not eliminate silences)
-E <N> use tone elimination, with mode N.
-F <format> record in this format. The known formats can be listed by specifying a question mark (?).
-l <N> Set a maximum elapsed time for the recording to N milliseconds (default, 0, means no maximum).
-n <number-of-channels> record this many channels (default = 1)
-q <N> Set a maximum silence in milliseconds. As soon as this much silence occurs, the recording finishes. (default, 0, means no maximum).
-S <toneset> the toneset to use for tone elimination (if enabled).
-T <bits> set the data transfer threshold
-t <timeslot> timeslot to use (see Test program timeslots). If you specify more than one channel, they use consecutive timeslots starting at this one. For example, the options "-n 3 -t64:20" record timeslots 64:20, 64:21, and 64:22.
-U Show message when overruns occur.
-v <volume> adjust volume of the recording by this (in dB)
-X <maxoctets> Specify the maximum number of octets to record. When this quantity is reached, the recording finishes.
-x <cardspec> Use these Prosody processor modules, specified as described in Test programs: Specifying Prosody Processor modules
<file> name of file into which data is to be recorded. If the file name contains a "%d", this wil be replaced with the stream number. If it contains a second "%d", this will be replaced with the timeslot number. In fact, this is done by using the file name as a format string for printf() so you can use any printf format codes (e.g. "recfile-%02d-%02d").

For example,

	gen-WINNT_V6/locrec -x x: -F ALawPCM@8000 -t 64:0 rec1.dat

would record A-law encoded speech from timeslot 64:0 of a Prosody processor module on the card with address and key mykey into rec1.dat.

The firmware modules that are required depend on the options you specify. Here are the details:

ModuleWhen needed
datafeed always on Prosody X
grunt If you use '-e 1' for silence elimination
gainbg If you use '-a 1' for AGC or -v with a non-zero volume adjustment
inchan always
sixkin when the recording format is ACUBLKPCM@6000, ALawPCM@6000, OKIADPCM@6000, or ULawPCM@6000
recA when the recording format is ALawPCM@6000 or ALawPCM@8000
recima when the recording format is IMAADPCM
recmu when the recording format is ULawPCM@6000 or ULawPCM@8000
recoki when the recording format is OKIADPCM@6000 or OKIADPCM@8000

While it is recording, it prints the speed at which the data is arriving. You can use the 'q' command to stop the program.

The source code for this program is provided (locrec.c).

This is one of the Prosody test programs .