Prosody TiNG packaging

Prosody TiNG is supplied in several pieces. This allows you to download only the pieces you require.

The pieces have names in the form TiNG-$part-$ver.tar.bz2 where $part is one of the names in the table below for a part of the distribution and $ver is a code which is specific to each version. Note that not all variants are currently distributed, but all are listed here so that you can recognise them in old installations.

The V6 API was introduced to allow much greater flexibility in the API permitting developments such as hot-swap support and Prosody X. It is now the only standard way to use the API, so for every piece you download, if there is a V6 supplement, you need that as well.

PartUsed for
commonFiles which are common to all systems (e.g. documentation, downloadable firmware, etc)
LINUXFiles required for any version of Linux
LINUX_V6Files required for V6 on Linux
LINUX_V6_AMD64Files required for V6 on Linux on AMD64
QNXFiles required for any type of QNX
QNX_PPCFiles required for QNX on PowerPC
QNX_X86Files required for QNX on Intel x86 family processors
WINNTFiles required for Windows
WINNT_V6Files required for V6 on Windows
WINNT_V6_AMD64Files required for V6 on Windows on AMD64

In a few cases, a file may be included in more than one piece. Such files are always identical in every piece, so the you always get the same result regardless of the order in which you unpack different pieces.