Prosody generic: API: sm_get_firmware_info

This function is deprecated.

Prototype Definition

int sm_get_firmware_info(struct sm_fwinfo_parms *fp)


a structure of the following type:
typedef struct sm_fwinfo_parms {
	tSMModuleId module;					/* in */
	tSM_UT32 position;					/* inout */
	tSM_UT32 tasktypecode;					/* out */
	tSM_UT32 version;					/* out */


Obsolete function that is not supported on ProsodyX cards or with ProsodyS v3 servers.


module (Deprecated)
A value obtained from sm_open_module() which indicates the module to examine.
position (Deprecated)
The position to examine. Start this at zero and each successive call will advance it to consider the next position.
tasktypecode (Deprecated)
The task type code of the firmware module. This value is zero if this position is empty.
version (Deprecated)
The version code of the firmware module. This value is zero if this position is empty.


0 if call completed successfully, otherwise a standard error such as:

This function is part of the Prosody generic API.